Historic Trails Tours
Our Historic Wagons and Horse Treks are perfect for all ages. We welcome families and reunion groups, home school or public school field trips, motor coach tours and corporate events, weddings, birthdays, and anniversaries. Hear the stories of the pioneers as you travel in the same ruts they traveled over in the mid-1800s.
Historic Treks are the Things to do at Casper Wyoming . ​
By wagon or horseback, take an authentic ride into history as you journey on the actual trail used by pioneer settlers, 49er gold rushers, Mormons, Pony Express Riders, and others. ​ Pricing: Adults in Wagon - $105.00 Child in Wagon - $85.00 Express Horse Ride - $165.00 We charge a 3.5% card fee.
Embark on a journey back to the untamed frontier with our Wild West dinner adventure! Feel the spirit of the trail beneath you as you ride along the historic paths, whether in the sturdy wagon or astride a mighty horse as an outrider. Imagine the dust kicked up by hooves and wheels, the calls of the wilderness echoing through the rugged landscape. Dive deep into the essence of the pioneers as you take on the role of the outrider, swapping turns with your fellow travelers. Seize the opportunity to walk in the hallowed footsteps of those brave souls who carved their way through these lands. Don't let this chance slip by to immerse yourself in the legacy of the Old West. Pricing: Adult - $145.00 Child - $125.00 (10 yrs and under) Pony Express Rider: $195.00 We charge a 3.5% card fee.
Climb aboard our Historic Wagons or ride Horseback on the actual trails used by pioneer settlers, 49er gold rushers, Mormon pioneers, Pony Express Riders, and others. Three-hour covered wagon train lunch trek! Pricing: Adult - $145.00 Child - $95.00 (10 yrs and under) Pony Express Horse Rider $195.00 We charge a 3.5% card fee.
Climb aboard our Historic Wagons or ride Horseback on the actual trails used by pioneer settlers, 49er gold rushers, Mormon pioneers, Pony Express Riders, and others. We meet you at 10am at the National Historic Trails Center ,Casper Wyoming . You follow us to the camp where we head out on the Historic Trails . We travel the trails, telling the tales of the life of the Pioneers. What was their way of traveling, what did they carry with them ,how’ did they crosse the rivers and the mountains going west. We travel out in the morning and we have our lunch at our camp. We then take to the trails again for an afternoon riding several historic trails. You ride on very interesting terrain . We then head into camp on the North Platte River. . We have a Dutch Oven cook out over the campfire, the meals are hearty and delicious.Cozy up to the campfire, and when you're ready to turn in you'll stay in our Indian lodges. Sleeping in these lodges will take you back in time. This trek includes three hearty meals—lunch, supper cooked over the roaring campfire with old-time Dutch ovens and breakfast the next morning. Your vehicle will be parked at camp so you have access to any of your belongings. You can take a backpack or gear bag for rain gear extra clothes, snacks on the trail. Bring a water bottle with you. We have extra water on the wagons so you can refill your bottle. You can dress as the pioneers if you like. You can trade off riding the horse with your group. We proving sleeping bags, pillows, sleeping pads or cots. Pricing: Adult - $395.00 Child - $345.00 (10 yrs and under) Pony Express Horse Rider $495.00 We charge a 3.5% card fee.
Ride into this historic adventure! Camp at the Platte River, enjoy a Dutch Oven cookout dinner and breakfast in the morning, and pack out a lifetime of memories! Climb aboard the wagon or ride your own Pony Express horse on the ruts of the historic trails.​ ​ Pricing: Adult - $195.00 per person Child - $165.00 (10 yrs and under) per person Pony Express Horse Rider - $255.00 We charge a 3.5% card fee.
Travel back in time... Climb aboard the Historic Wagons and horses to ride in the actual ruts of the Oregon, California, Pony Express trails, Mountain Men, and historic Military Trails. ​ Roughly 10 am - 3 pm ​ Pricing: Adult - $195.00 Per person Child - $165.00 (10 yrs and under) per person Horse Rider - $255.00 per person We charge a 3.5% card fee.
Become part of history and join us on an authentic Oregon Trail adventure. Dates in the schedule for 2025. June 15th to 17th. Other dates available Find a full trip description by clicking the button below. ​ Pricing: Adult in Wagon - $1,595.00 Per person Child in Wagon - $1,095.00 Per person Pony Express Rider - $1,995.00 Per Person (can trade off riding the horse with your party) We charge a 3.5% card fee. Travel three days and two nights across the high plains of Wyoming. ​ Meet us in Casper, Wyoming, where we will begin your tour along the history trails on our way to the wagon train's trailhead. You'll see historic landmarks of the trail including Independence Rock, Devil's Gate, and Split Rock. ​ The wagon train will officially depart and follow along the Sweetwater River. Each day we will travel roughly 12 miles west toward what was known as "the opening of the West", South Pass, riding right in the tracks of the Oregon, California, Mormon, and Pony Express Trails. ​ When we make camp in the evening all guests are welcome to be a part of the tasks that historically pioneers would have needed to complete to have dinner and bed down for the night in each new camp along the trail. Take care of the livestock with us, help pitch the tents and tipis you'll be sleeping in, and learn first-hand how to prepare your dinner in Dutch ovens over the open fire.​ ​ Continuing on our journey along the trail another 12 miles, guests are also welcome to learn how to handle a wagon team. Learn from the stories of the pioneers shared by your guides and ask all the burning questions you've had about covered wagon travel and the historic trails. We will ford the Sweetwater River and go over Rocky ridge. We'll pass old gold mines, markers, and monuments of the trails. Capture each one and the unique beauty of the Wyoming plains throughout your journey out either side of the wagon, we keep the canvas rolled up on both sides for this purpose and so that you don't miss a thing! ​ Guest also have the option to ride a Pony Express horse alongside the wagon, if seeing the trail from the saddle is more your style.​ ​ Covered in trail dust and filled with the feeling of conquering trails, on this last day we will reach South Pass Historic Area. You'll have a better understanding of the obstacles the pioneers overcame trying to make a new life for themselves. Also, you will have seen what the pioneers saw and rode in their footsteps creating your own campfire stories to share for years to come! ​ These trips are also ideal for young families whether you're trying to give your children a unique educational experience as a part of your homeschool curriculum or want to enhance your children's understanding of the history they have learned in the classroom. Each of the skills we teach along the trail from the history on the ride itself to camp chores can be applied specifically for your young ones. Learn more about how we can tailor an educational trip for your students by clicking the button below.
5 DAY SOUTH PASS Living History, Oregon Trail , California Trail Wagon Train and PONY EXPRESS Horse Back Treks Dates in schedule for June 14th to 18th.2025. Other dates are being organized as well. There is excitement and adventure in traveling the historic trails to the Oregon and California Territories. The Old Oregon Trail is an incredible journey ... The covered wagon is a symbol of the western expansion of the United States. In 1843, the first large migration left Missouri in May. They traveled across unassigned Indian territory in what is now Wyoming, over South Pass to Oregon Country.Feel the huge, expanse of the High Plains. Available May - September Ride in our large, comfortable Conestoga Wagons. With the sides rolled up you can photograph the scenery and wildlife as you roll along. You can ride horses as Pony Express riders or you can walk in the footsteps of the pioneers. You can switch off with the horse rider in your group. Tours begin at Casper, Wyoming. The Historic Wagon Train begins on the Sweetwater River, ending with at South Pass. We travel west from Casper, Wyoming, stopping at the historic sites of Independence Rock, Devil's Gate, and begin our wagon journey west of Split Rock. We ford the Sweet Water river at the 6th crossing ,go over rocky Ridge and ford again at the 9th crossing. As we travel roughly 12 miles per day, you will pass old gold mines and Pony Express stations, discover historic markers / monuments and hear of the trials endured by the intrepid pioneers. In the evening we will all help pitch camp, tend to the horses, prepare our bedrolls and assist with Dutch Oven cooking our meals over the fire. After breakfast each day, we take down and load camp, hitch the team, saddle the horses and travel west. We visit historic landmarks and trail markers. Walk in the footprints of the pioneers who settled the west, as the majestic Wind River Mountains to the North West watch over us. Arriving in camp, we set up Trail Tipi tent s, prepare dinner with Dutch Ovens and tell stories around the campfire Pricing includes individual meals,Sleeping Bags, sleeping pads and or cots, The Wagon Train has a support vehicle providing portable restrooms for guests during the journey. 
Five Day Historic Wagon Train and horse trek : Adult $1,795.00 per person • Child $1,395.00 (10 Yrs and under) per person Three Day "Pony Express" Rider Pricing: Adult $1,995.00 per person Great fun for Home Schoolers as this exciting trek, is beyond anything that a conventional classroom could provide, covering many subjects. When we are at the jumping off point, we can take your cars around to the end point so when you get there You are good to go on to ,Yellowstone Park ,or other venues. Call 1-307-266-4868for more information and to book your exciting adventure. Please call on your way to Casper and we can arrange meeting time and place. WHAT TO BRING: on The Historic Trails West Living History Wagon Train. The average elevation of our camps on the 3- and 5-day treks are over 7,000 feet. Days can be hot and nights can be cool, the weather can change in the blink of an eye. The weather might change route of travel if storms make travel on trails impossible. For this reason, we suggest that you "think in layers" of clothing and that you will bring the following: Items you should bring include: Water bottle Bring along electrolyte’s for your journey. Filled Water Bottle We have extra water on the wagon to refill your water bottles. Hat, Light and Heavy Jackets,Long and Short Sleeved Shirts,Good hiking shoes,Extra Socks Rain coats,Long Pants ,Casual Shoes for in Camp,Hat,Bug Repellent Camera with extra batteries,Flashlight, head lamp light,Granola/Trail Mix, Small first aid kit. Everyone will set up camp and take down. Help with all chores. If you want you can bring adult beverages.
7-DAY SOUTH PASS: Living History, Oregon Trail, California Trail Wagon Train, and PONY EXPRESS Horseback Treks. Dates for 7 day trek are June 14th to 20th. Other dates are being organized as well. The Old Oregon Trail offers an incredible journey. The covered wagon symbolizes the western expansion of the United States. In 1843, the first large migration left Missouri in May, traveling across unassigned Indian territory, now Wyoming, over South Pass to Oregon Country. Experience the vastness of the high plains by riding in our large, comfortable Conestoga Wagons. With the sides rolled up, you can photograph the scenery and wildlife as you travel. Ride horses as Pony Express riders or walk in the footsteps of pioneers, switching off with the horse rider in your group. Traveling roughly 12 miles per day, you'll pass old gold mines and Pony Express stations, discover historic markers and monuments, and hear about life on the trails, endured by the intrepid pioneers. Tours begin in Casper, Wyoming. The Historic Wagon Train starts on the Sweetwater River and ends at South Pass. We travel west from Casper, stopping at historic sites like Independence Rock and Devil's Gate, and begin our wagon journey west of Split Rock. We ford the Sweetwater River at the 6th crossing, go over Rocky Ridge, and ford again at the 9th crossing. In the evening, everyone helps pitch camp, tend to the horses, prepare bedrolls, and assist with Dutch Oven cooking over the fire. After breakfast each day, we take down and load camp, hitch the team, saddle the horses, and continue west. We visit historic landmarks and trail markers, walking in the footprints of the pioneers who settled the west, with the majestic Wind River Mountains to the northwest watching over us. Upon arriving in camp, we set up Trail Tipi tents, prepare dinner with Dutch Ovens, and share stories around the campfire. Pricing includes individual meals, sleeping bags, sleeping pads, and cots. The Wagon Train has a support vehicle providing portable restrooms for guests. At the jumping-off point, we can transport your cars to the endpoint, so when you arrive, you're ready to continue to Yellowstone Park or other venues. 7-day Wagon Train over South Pass:- Adult Wagon (AW): $2,495- Child Wagon (CW): $1,895 - Horses Pony Express Rider: $2,850 Please call on your way to Casper and we can arrange meeting time and place. WHAT TO BRING: on The Historic Trails West Living History Wagon Train. The average elevation of our camps on the 3- and 5-day treks are over 7,000 feet. Days can be hot and nights can be cool, the weather can change in the blink of an eye. The weather might change route of travel if storms make travel on trails impossible. For this reason, we suggest that you "think in layers" of clothing and that you will bring the following: Items you should bring include: Water bottle Bring along electrolyte’s for your journey. Filled Water Bottle We have extra water on the wagon to refill your water bottles. Hat, Light and Heavy Jackets,Long and Short Sleeved Shirts,Good hiking shoes,Extra Socks Rain coats,Long Pants ,Casual Shoes for in Camp,Hat,Bug Repellent Camera with extra batteries,Flashlight, head lamp light,Granola/Trail Mix, Small first aid kit. Everyone will set up camp and take down. Help with all chores. If you would like you can bring adult beverages.
Motor Coach Tour
We offer motor coach tour experiences with special rates. Ride on a three hour wagon train with a Dutch oven meal afterward. Pick either a morning or afternoon time. ​ Pricing: Call for more information.
This auto tour will give you a brief glimpse into history as you travel along Wyoming's Highway 220 following the historic trails used by pioneer settlers, 49er gold rushers, Mormons, Pony Express Riders, and others. ​ Pricing: Adults - $85.00 Child - $55.00 We charge a 3.5% card fee.
Did you know that many of the roads in Wyoming follow the trails of the pioneers? Get to know their stories and see the historic sites that remain for our exploration today from Independence Rock to Fort Laramie. Lunch is provided. ​ Pricing: Adults - $165.00 Child - $105.00 We charge a 3.5% card fee.
If you have any questions or need help planning your Wyoming vacation, call us anytime at 1-307-266-4868.
We look forward to hearing from you!